
  • Simple Steps For Installing Self-Adhesive Vinyl Tile Floors

    Vinyl tile flooring has grown in popularity because of its color, ease of cleaning, crack resistance and are ease of installation. Vinyl tile flooring comes in dozens of colors, patterns, and textures, making it easy to create checkerboard designs and floors with contrasting borders.

    There are two types of vinyl tiles; glue down vinyl tiles and self-adhesive vinyl tiles. Glue down tiles are not so popular because the installation process is messy. However, adhesive vinyl flooring installation is simple and can be done yourself.

    Here are the steps to install self-adhesive vinyl tiles:
    Step 1. Have equipment in hand like a utility razor knife, straight metal edge, and a tape measure. You will need these materials to install self-stick adhesive vinyl tiles.

    Step 2. Once we are done with gathering material and tools, we must know that vinyl tiles contract and expand over time. Make sure you acclimate, place the open boxes of the tile in the room where you want vinyl flooring installation to be done. Follow any specific product installation tips for temperature ranges.

    Step 3. Remove the cabinet floor molding and fit the tiles tightly. Make sure the floor where you are installing vinyl tile flooring is very smooth without any bumps or wrinkles and don't forget to clean and vacuum the floor thoroughly.

    Step 4. To know how many tiles you need, measure the floor and mark a line down the middle of its longest dimension. Draw another line across the middle of its shortest dimension and then divide the room into quadrants. Start tiling from the center point using your lines as a guide. Before you lay down self-adhesive vinyl tiles, do a dry run and lay out enough tiles along your lines to reach the walls in each direction. Make sure the self-adhesive vinyl tiles are not short. They may have a poor appearance or not bond to the subfloor.

    Step 5. Once the background work is done and you are ready to lay down self-adhesive vinyl tiles, line up the tiles within your layout lines, remove the backing and press them into position. Tiles with a pattern indicating direction feature an arrow on the back, so you will know which way to orient them.

    When you need to cut a tile, measure, mark and cut it from the back with a utility knife. Continue laying one tile after another until you cover the floor. Follow these vinyl flooring installation tips and save yourself some money.
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